2025 Nutmeg Nominees - High School

Showing 1 - 2 of 2  There are a total of 10 valid entries on the list.
Book cover for "Golden arm"
Star rating for Golden arm
Lazarus Weathers, a high school senior from the wrong side of the tracks, seeks to protect his half-brother while pitching his way out of poverty, one strike at a time. Laz Weathers wants out of Jet City, the trailer park in Seattle where he lives. When he gets an offer to move in with a host family and pitch for a high-profile high school baseball team, he knows it is his last chance to impress major-league scouts and start down the road to becoming...

2. Kneel

Book cover for "Kneel"
Star rating for Kneel
When his best friend is unfairly arrested and kicked off the team, Russell Boudreaux kneels during the national anthem in an effort to fight for justice and, in an instant, falls from local stardom to become a target of hatred. For guys like Russell Boudreaux, football is the only way out of their small Louisiana town. As the team's varsity tight end, Rus has a singular goal: to get a scholarship and play on the national stage. When his best friend...