2025 Nutmeg Nominees - Elementay

Showing 1 - 2 of 2  There are a total of 15 valid entries on the list.
Book cover for "Aven Green, sleuthing machine"
Star rating for Aven Green, sleuthing machine
"Third-grader Aven Green has been solving mysteries for a whole month, cracking such cases as The Mystery of the Cranky Mom. But can this perceptive detective solve two cases at the same time? First her teacher's lunch bag disappears. Then Aven's great-grandma's dog goes missing. Fortunately, since Aven was born without arms, all the "arm" cells went to her super-powered brain instead. (That's her theory.)"--
Book cover for "The best of Iggy"
Star rating for The best of Iggy
Relates three times that nine-year-old Iggy got into trouble, two of which he does not regret and one for which he is very, very sorry. Welcome to the wonderful world of Iggy, where the motto is: It seemed like a good idea at the time. Iggy is not a bad kid - he's really not. Okay, so he's done a few bad things. And okay, he's not very sorry about most of them. No one got hurt! Except for that one time when the Best Idea Ever turned into the Worst...