Classics of Latin American Literature

Showing 1 - 2 of 2  There are a total of 25 valid entries on the list.
Book cover for "Los detectives salvajes"
Star rating for Los detectives salvajes
New Year's Eve, 1975: Arturo Belano and Ulises Lima, founders of the visceral realist movement in poetry, leave Mexico City in a borrowed white Impala. Their quest: To track down the obscure, vanished poet Cesarea Tinajero. A violent showdown in the Sonora desert turns search to flight; twenty years later Belano and Lima are still on the run. La novela narra la búsqueda de la poetisa mexicana Cesárea Tinajero, por parte de dos jóvenes poetas fundadores...
Book cover for "Cien años de soledad"
Star rating for Cien años de soledad
Multifaceted classic by Columbian Nobel prize winner; traces the lifeof a Columbian family with folklore, magic, myth, murder, love and imagination.