2024 Nutmeg Nominees - Intermediate

Showing 1 - 3 of 3  There are a total of 10 valid entries on the list.
Book cover for "Get a grip, Vivy Cohen!"
Star rating for Get a grip, Vivy Cohen!
Average Rating:
3 stars
Eleven-year-old knuckleball pitcher Vivy Cohen, who has autism, becomes pen pals with her favorite Major League baseball player after writing a letter to him as an assignment for her social skills class.
Book cover for "Leonard (my life as a cat)"
Star rating for Leonard (my life as a cat)
While no cat can be called ordinary, Leonard is definitely no ordinary cat. In fact, he is an alien, sent on an earthly sabbatical and mistakenly given the body of a rather scruffy stray. Rescued by animal lover Olive, Leonard does his best to study the humans he hoped to join while contending with the indignities of hair balls, kitty litter, and a compulsion to shred the curtains. And as he collects experiences - shared cheese sandwiches, jokes,...
Book cover for "The lion of Mars"
Star rating for The lion of Mars
Average Rating:
5 stars
Bell has spent his whole life--all eleven years of it--on Mars. But he's still just a regular kid-he loves cats, any kind of cake, and is curious about the secrets the adults in the US colony are keeping. Like, why don't have contact with anyone on the other Mars colonies? Why are they so isolated? When a virus breaks out and the grown-ups all fall ill, Bell and the other children are the only ones who can help. It's up to Bell--a regular kid in a...